Friday, April 20, 2012

Most Ethical Olympics

"The Most Ethical Games Ever" - a slogan coined by the Commission for a Sustainable London, an organization promoting morality and ethical behavior during the 2012 Olympic Games.
Well, the games may not be as ethical as they had hoped.
Independendent News recently released an expose claiming that Adidas, the company behind the uniforms of the London team is utilizing sweatshops in Indonesia to make the uniforms.
Adidas released statements claiming that they are "investigating" the situation, but if their company is being accused of using sweatshops, what is there to investigate? Shouldn't they know what's happening within their company or at least be able to readily supply information about who is creating the uniforms they were so excited about (they were designed by Stella McCartney)? Addidas is definitely going to need to come up with something better than that.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Environmental Crime

     In one of my classes we have been discussing environmental crime. I felt that this issue ties in with this class because environmental crime is hugely influenced by ethics. When considering white-collar crime, one rarely considers that it could be associated with environmental crime.  Edwin Sutherland defined white-collar crime as “a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.”  Generally, the widespread perception of white-collar crime is that it is committed in the corporate world, therefore, it only affects the corporate world; many fail to think of the different types of white-collar crimes committed or the secondary consequences these felonies cause. 
     In the instances of environmental white-collar crime, these crimes can do more than affect the monetary state of people in the workforce. Not only do these crimes continuously generate billions of dollars towards the profits of unlawful businesses and enterprises, but they are also harmful to the environment and as a result, harmful to the people living in it - triggering deficient health conditions or even death.
    The foundational attribute of environmental white-collar crimes is that they are committed for financial gain by well-informed and educated parties who try to find ways around the law.  It is essential that the general public becomes aware of the ramifications of the crimes committed by environmental white-collar offenders. The consequences of environmental white-collar crime are not oblique by any means; everyone is directly affected by the actions of these fraudulent corporations and businesses.
      I think that when considering these crimes, we need to take on a much less ignorant stance.  These crimes are committed by companies and organizations that we assist with funding. Without us, they have nowhere to stand.  It is our responsibility to watch and monitor what these companies are doing.  

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Miss Universe 2012 pt. 2

According to the Miss Universe organization and Donald Trump, Jenna Talacknova is back in. 
Talacknova is back in the running for miss universe "provided she meets the legal gender recognition requirements of Canada, and the standards established by other international competitions."
I think that for the organization, this is a great move.  They have proven that their case with Talacknova does not lie within the issue of her being transgender, but with simply with the fact that they want to ensure rules are being followed.

Talcknova said she's "confused" and would just like for the organization to make a clear statement which I can understand. She was exposed to the public.... the last thing anyone would want. I think
that it is amazing that the Miss Universe organization decided to continue to let Talacknova continue on with the competition, but maybe for the sake of Talacknova, they should consider making a public apology as well for the distress they may have put her under. But with that being said, bravo Miss Universe Organization!