Friday, April 20, 2012

Most Ethical Olympics

"The Most Ethical Games Ever" - a slogan coined by the Commission for a Sustainable London, an organization promoting morality and ethical behavior during the 2012 Olympic Games.
Well, the games may not be as ethical as they had hoped.
Independendent News recently released an expose claiming that Adidas, the company behind the uniforms of the London team is utilizing sweatshops in Indonesia to make the uniforms.
Adidas released statements claiming that they are "investigating" the situation, but if their company is being accused of using sweatshops, what is there to investigate? Shouldn't they know what's happening within their company or at least be able to readily supply information about who is creating the uniforms they were so excited about (they were designed by Stella McCartney)? Addidas is definitely going to need to come up with something better than that.

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